
Showing posts from January, 2022

Online Corrected Work

Online Teaching Slides


Blog as communicative tool

Google Classroom is another way to communicate with students via email. It is more convenient for parents and guardians which keep them informed of current and upcoming events of the child. Google classroom is source of Learning, where teacher facilitate. This application provides the children to communicate, ask questions (if they have doubts) and do their assignments. Today’s digital world, Google classroom helps facilitate online learning for digital learners today. As covid-19 pandemic emerged, the education industry also has switched to online teaching and learning, using various platforms to make it effective. Stay home, work from home and learn at home are the new realities now. Traditional methods of teaching are rapidly getting substituted and reformed and teachers have to come up with innovative pedagogies to redefine learning in overnight, the traditional classrooms have been transformed to a virtual classroom via latest technologies. The digital natives of today are respond